Hudek Tech

A creative, responsive, highly motivated team of developers.

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Innovative Custom Solutions

Hudek Tech is passionate about creating custom solutions using an iterative learning approach. We are a full stack development consulting firm that creates solutions on the web and mobile devices in a multitude of industries such as finance, operations, entertainment, and marketing.

Breakout Rooms

Our recent application is an enhancement to the Google Meet application, to create best in the market capabilities for breakout rooms, including

  • Single Click creation on Breakout Rooms in either Tile or Tab format
  • Single Click naviation between rooms, automatically handling speaker, audio and video
  • Single Click assignment of participants with drag and drop adjustments
  • Broadcast capability of audio and video into all the breakout rooms
  • Customize Google Meet toolbar with colors and gradients
  • Single Click reports for attendance, breakouts, and room assignments

 Google Meet Breakout Rooms Extension

Our featured app is our recent release of the Chrome Extension, Google Meet Breakout Extension, Single Click Breakout Rooms Get it now for free!


Dallas, Texas

